Ah, the Toronto Sun! Now, there’s a name that rings a bell, eh? This isn’t just a newspaper folks; it’s a cultural icon, a beacon that lights up the vibrant city of Toronto. You’d be hard-pressed to find a Torontonian who doesn’t have a thing or two to say about this prominent publication. So, what makes the Toronto Sun so special? Well, hold your horses because we’re about to embark on a thrilling journey through its captivating history, its dynamic role in the community, and a few nuggets of trivia that’ll surely have you raising your eyebrows. Buckle up!

The Dawn of the Toronto Sun

The Humble Beginnings

You know what they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, and neither was the Toronto Sun. Founded in 1971, it wasn’t exactly an overnight sensation. Born from the ashes of the Toronto Telegram, it started out as a tabloid with just 20 pages and a handful of dedicated journalists who refused to let the spirit of the Telegram die. Their dogged determination and belief in a newspaper that stood for the everyday Torontonian laid the foundation for what the Sun is today.

Rising to Prominence

Fast forward to today, and the Toronto Sun has a legion of loyal readers who appreciate its no-nonsense approach to news, sports, and entertainment. It’s carved out a unique niche for itself, being both an informed chronicler of events and an effervescent commentator on the city’s bustling cultural scene. It’s like a well-brewed cup of Tim Hortons coffee – strong, flavourful, and oh-so Canadian!

The Toronto Sun: A Cultural Tapestry

Unveiling Toronto’s Cultural Landscape

The Toronto Sun doesn’t just report the news; it tells the city’s stories. Every page is a vibrant tapestry of Toronto’s diverse cultures, rich history, and dynamic arts scene. Whether it’s an exposé on the thriving indie music scene, a review of a trendy new brunch spot, or a heartwarming story about a local hero, the Sun shines a light on the soul of the city.

A Platform for Voices

The Sun is more than just a newspaper; it’s a platform for voices from all walks of life. It has a knack for capturing the pulse of the city, creating a dialogue that reflects the views, ideas, and opinions of its readers. From fiery editorials to thoughtful op-eds, it’s a hotbed of discussion that never shies away from controversy.

Did You Know?

  • The Toronto Sun’s first issue was published on November 1, 1971.
  • The Sun was originally formatted as a broadsheet, but switched to a tabloid format in 1973.
  • The Sun’s daily circulation exceeds 175,000 copies!


Q: Who owns the Toronto Sun? A: The Toronto Sun is owned by Postmedia Network, a Canadian media conglomerate. They acquired the Sun in 2015, and have since continued the paper’s legacy of delivering top-notch news and features to its readers.

Q: Is the Toronto Sun a reliable source of news? A: Absolutely! While every media outlet has its critics, the Toronto Sun is committed to journalistic integrity and thorough fact-checking. Its blend of hard news, sports, and entertainment coverage offers.